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Khenbish would be angry at how horny we all become 

Is that a bad thing? He looks so cute when he's mad...

I chuckled myself when he exploded too 


He's a sensitive boar. 

Peach, plum, pe--


Is Khenbish the Ness from Earthbound after growing up?


get matpat on the phone right now

(1 edit)

oh god, there's even a phone in Minotaur Hotel. Is Nikos Kheness's* dad? Is that why Lucas has a rope snake?? I want to stop but it keeps getting dark, darker, yet darker. Nanoff, WHY?

*Also known as a Snake-a Kheness's. That's a bad joke but I'm not erasing it.

at first i was like "what?", but then i remembered the plot of that game had plenty of outworldly events

