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(2 edits) (+1)

As the name indicates, this is a nicely presented and very playable Asteroids clone, no more and no less. The Linux and in-browser versions don't work at all on my, admittedly old, Debian machine. They use up all the memory (3 GB + swap) and the whole system grinds almost to a halt. The Windows version, however, runs smoothly on my also-not-new laptop. The in-browser version also works well there.

The graphics are appealing, easily understood and well integrated. The scanline filter was a good choice. Without it, things would probably have looked a little too gaudy. I agree with NightBlade that auto-fire was also a good idea. The fact that the screen doesn't scroll at all makes outer space feel quite cramped. If scrolling is technically feasible, then I think it's something worth trying.

I'd say this is the kind of game that could work well on smartphones. Let the player control the ship by moving their finger on a touchpad area at the bottom of the phone screen. It might also generate more revenue on phone platforms, but that's just a guess from someone who doesn't really know anything about that market. Playing for score is OK, but players might perceive better value for their money if there were a few more game modes (e.g. timed survival, search-and-destroy, etc.).

Addendum: No one has written anything about the sound effects and music, so I'll opine that it's quality work and appropriate to the gameplay.