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(1 edit)

I can't get past the beginning of the second screen, everything kills me.

I love your drawings and all your levels, very beautiful designs.

I'm using your game as a sample for an AGD I'm doing for Amiga. I see all the levels, blocks, Objects, Sprites, frames, Messages, Map, sources, for now I get it from the AGD source, which can be extracted with the converter, then I can do it with the game in TAP or SNA.

At least the editor is already functional, I'm going to create a page to put the advances, and start the publications.

Do not worry about your sources, they will not be revealed, I have yet to find out how they do with copyright with so many editors and extractors.

Yes, most people struggle with that puzzle at the start of the second screen. You have to jump from a branch on the right of the tree on the previous screen over to a branch on the second screen. It's not blind jumping as you can see the branch you are supposed to land on, on the 2nd screen. So you can go back to the 1st screen, climb the tree, jump from branch on 1st screen to a branch on the 2nd screen. I hope that makes sense.

thanks, i tried

Cool. Hope you got further into the game.