furthest: lvl 5.4. controls r good. was thinking about how to make movement like this game's. I really like the booster+two-turn-angles gametype ideology, u seemed to figurout a good combo here with the camera and all that as it is.
holding down fire and 1 movement key is best way to clear screens where ur fire length spams most of the screeen.
imo: The best levels are the ones where theres lots of asteriods and u have to manage turn rate and firing on a finer level. To that end, separating health and energy from eachother would be best, otherwise i have to do alot of idling to regen things safely. I would increase the turnrate or have some kind of booster to facilitate harder turns, i think this would really help with the levels where ur fire-length is short and make it fun with lots of asteriods on the screen. wud rly bringout the fact that u move a little when u just turn and dont fire, which is cool, that could maybe be increased a bit too as a wiggle type movement, or at least to extend ur velocity from firing a bit further.