Same here, I didn't even know how to go to next phase before I read your message.
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That's strange, I think there's a pb somewhere. I can see in this other free game page the banner "You own this game / Purchased for $10.00 3 years ago". But no banner or anything in the page above ( about the 2£ I recently gave (and which have been debited) or any other previous payment I may have done (though again not 100% sure I did). I don't know if the pb comes from the way the page itself has been edited, or if this is because Incinerator is a game jam game, while Poom is a released game. But more worrying is that my page shows absolutely nothing, besides an uncanny "You haven't donated to any projects" message. I suppose it should show something even for 3 years old payments, plus I'm almost sure there might be a few other free games to which I donated (not absolutely sure there neither but I usually give a few bucks for games I enjoyed). In case you'd rather continue outside of this forum to fix this, feel free to contact me.
Hi, I just sent 2 £ to a game creator as I enjoyed what he did for a game jam (that's and that was the 3rd or 4th time I played it since its release. In fact I wasn't sure I didn't already send him some money for that game before, but as the page told nothing, I figured I didn't. Only to discover that the new payment didn't appear neither. I know that's only money you freely send, contrary to paid games where you can clearly see whether you own it or not, but I wish there was a way to tell whether I've already paid for a "free" game or not. How much was paid would be nice, otherwise just a "You already own this game" or something like this would do. Or maybe I missed that info somewhere?
Thanks @OrbWinder! I'm glad you enjoyed the game and really appreciate your helpful comment. You're right about puzzles being solely generated from images, though I always check they are solvable with pure logic. I guess you're already familiar with this kind of puzzles, looks like Cluepix is of an acquired taste as either people already knew Picross, Nurikabe & alikes and enjoyed my game, or they just didn't understand it. But the game sure isn't flawless. I'm working on a version with new and more progressive puzzles that'll be out in december. A simpler version too as I'm not 100% happy with the colors stacks right now. It makes the game and UI rather busy and look more complex than it is. Some colors being too close, as you saw, is also a problem that version should fix, having no stacks or even palette.
Thanks for your thorough review, yet I think having only one energy stat is the point there, forcing the gamer to alternate between offensive and defensive play. It may not show at lower levels but it really makes sense on later levels where you have to slalom among blobs to allow your energy to go up. I'm all into making minimal games that allow various ways of playing.
If you want a ratio limitation, there's already one since the 240×135 resolution is required, so your game must fit a 16/9 ratio. If you'd like a file size limitation, there's the annual js13k jam where you have to create a JS game in 13 Kb or less: