So, about the thing with Nameless, unless there is a way to change that later on, allowing us to achieve any of the possible outcomes with him, I really think it was a terrible choice. "Be careful when confronting him" isn't enough of a warning that the save feature we've been using for several quests will not work in this one, and I sure as hell am not going to replay the entire game just so I can try another choice. Be careful with how you handle this questline in the future, because you may end up killing the game for a lot of people, including myself.
Did save files ever defeat the point of any choice-based RPG? If someone wants to have the experience of not changing their choice, they can CHOOSE to not change it, while those who prefer a perfect run will choose to change it. The good part of these games is that you can experiment with your choices, there is a freedom in that which makes more people happy. Taking that away in ONE choice without a good warning is terrible and inconsistent.