Yeah the strategic elements are unfortunately buried under multiple levels of jank. The ability to flank is kind of neutered by the poor AI, because while its still advantageous to attack enemy units from behind, the melee combat becoming jumbled messes make it so that basically every soldier becomes outflanked. Friendly fire is present, so if you fire into troops in melee you could just as easily hit your own men. But quite frankly its presence just seems to help as a tactic to cheese the AI, since they won't avoid firing into their own troops currently. And you can inflict massive morale damage by routing or killing the enemy general, thereby routing the enemy army without having to kill them all. But since the enemy units are effectively their own autonomous AI they don't really co-ordinate to defend the general, so I know a couple people who just slipped past the rest of the army and took out the general. The AI needs a massive restructuring in order to get the right of level of strategy working, specifically I'd like them to be able to hold formation.
When you say it was sluggish do you mean it was slow to move around or rotate the camera? Or do you just mean you'd prefer a way to snap directly to one area or another? I plan to eventually allow the player to quickly lerp the camera to a units position by double-clicking on its unit card. May help alleviate the sluggishness.
There's a lot more that I have planned, frankly alongside all the quality of life and AI polishing I'd love to implement artillery, guns and even monstrous units like dragons or giants.
But thanks for playing and for the feedback!