Day seven. Unusually I managed to stay on schedule today, completing the main menu by around 10, leaving me time to write this now rather than tomorrow morning. Because of how relatively simple making a main menu was, I was able to spend more time on art. There were two main assets needed for the menu: a title/logo and a background. Both ended up being very heavily inspired by 300, with the background landscape actually being an edited frame from the film, which was then traced/ filtered to create a pixel art background. This is the original image:
The menu just loads the test scene, but I plan to have a cut-scene scene play out before the game starts. Overall the colour scheme of the menu matches what I want the games general colour scheme to be like: saturated yellow/oranges and blues and maybe a bit of green thrown in as it is Italy. In general, I'm very happy with the menu, and it makes it feel more like a 'game'
Tomorrow I'll set up a pause menu (which is separate from the character menu) and also, as previously mentioned, I'm making a weekly video devlog, and so I'll also spend a large part of the day editing footage and recording the commentary. I'm not sure, but it will either be released tomorrow or on Saturday, and I'll link to it on the day's devlog