Hey! Please don't feel dumb x3 I worked super hard to try and come up with something interesting but not too easy, so you're definitely not dumb. I absolutely suuuuck at puzzles >.< I will pretty much always need a guide for puzzle elements of games, haha. And in escape rooms, I am the team member who is great at finding clues, but has no idea what to do with them xD
Okie dokies, so if you were able to read all of the strange font in the photo with the creepy message, separate all the words that are in that font and type them into whichever search engine you use. You should then get links come up that reference a 3 digit number :3
And Destini is absolutely right! With the audio files, you want to reverse them :3
If you weren't able to read all of it, just scroll below for what you need to type in:
So you want to type: Hebrews. I will never leave you or forsake you.