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Really fun! Love the exploration of the phase-shift. I think the level design has some key moments. Like when you first reveal there can be 2 cookies. I think that was a good one!

Sound was very fitting. Not too much and just eerie enoughto give a vibe. The eyeball sounds were very nice too, but a little sperattic in their playing. Couldnt tell why they would or wouldn't make noises.

I'd call this a success! and if I was to get excited about an updated version, I'd love to have more areas where my skill with the phase-shift means I can skip sections or perform tricky moves like jumping into a power-up and phase-shifting into another power up to traverse massive amounts of space quickly!

(Maybe that happens later, but I played about 6 or 7 levels and didn't notice if you had that yet)

Thanks for the comment. Glad you love this game!


Thanks Noah!