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This was good enough that I feel compelled to say something. 

I have to be honest, I'm in a weird place with MNF. I honestly almost quit  MNF in the first 30 minutes, but ended up getting hooked enough to play through the content that was available at that time(I want to say this was around spring this year). I don't like it. It's meandering, it doesn't feel like the story is going anywhere, a lot of otherwise interesting characters feel tacked on and totally extraneous - to their own detriment and the detriment of the story - and it feels less like a story than a collection of events described flatly. 

MNM indicates that you've grown tremendously as a writer, and you've really got your hands around this project. 

MNM hit me in the ballsack almost immediately and kept punching. The story was gripping, the choices felt a little more meaningful than they did in MNF(which I understand was by design), the characters felt more well-rounded and I felt like this story is actually going somewhere - AND that you actually know where that is. 

Without spoilers or trying to tell you how to write a story, I do think you're in danger here of doing the same thing with MNF - not keeping your eye on the ending, and not making difficult choices to move the story forward. Case in point, I honestly can't remember anything about the middle Daughter because we barely talk to her, and while the Cop subplot was excellent and tied to the greater narrative the Librarian felt extraneous - everything she said could have been narrated without any loss. As long as she's not "just one more fuckable side character" and doesn't generate a 2-hour subplot that doesn't go anywhere I don't think she's a BAD character, just a character who's (possibly, with what we currently know) unnecessary for the telling of the story. 

All this is to say that I still really love this project. I want this story to come to a heartfelt, gut-punch ending that makes me lose my fucking shit like RDR2, and I want all of the feels along the way. I have a lot of confidence that you can pull this off and if the next public update keeps this pace I'll definitely look at joining your Patreon. I wish you absolute success and happiness, and for your creation to bring you as much joy as it will doubtless bring others. Good luck, kick ass, take names and dig into it - we're rootin' for ya man. 


I wholeheartedly agree!

I like MNF but there are so many characters that it's hard to develop an attachment to any one character for me. It does tend to meander, but that doesn't bother me. Real life tends to meander too and I like the sensation that they're just going about their day forming these relationships.

MNM is already starting down that character overload path, for me. But the story seems more focused. I think it'll balance out better.