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Well, that was a ride and a half, haha. I was a little worried going into it with the point and click/detective elements because while I do enjoy that sort of thing, I also happen to be dreadful at solving any sort of puzzle or mystery, but I somehow managed to reach what was labeled as the true end on my first playthrough :D Probably more down to luck than anything knowing me, haha.

I thought the art was wonderful, I really enjoyed the soundtrack, so much appreciated the music player option as well :3 And I just love the character designs in general, DeLus and Goose being my favourites in the overall looks department! Also, Goose's name put a big smile on my face because I really love geese xD

Oh, and I thought the notepad feature was brilliant, not just as a tool for aiding folks like me with awful memories, but it made me chuckle more than once with the stuff being entered.

I've always wanted to try writing something like this, but I just don't think I could pull it off convincingly, and I honestly don't know how anyone does, haha. I will definitely have to revisit for bad endings because they tend to be my favourite endings x3 I'm trying to play a bit of everything from the jam in the semi-holiday I'm allowing myself though, so it'll have to wait until probably towards the end of the month >.<


So glad to hear you liked it and that the mystery and the notebook helped make the game flow to the correct answer without being too tough on the player. I also love geese so high five there hehe

I had no idea how to write a mystery myself, so this was a challenging one for us, in terms of coding, writing and sheer number of characters and locations! In terms of bad endings I had such limited time that they're not as interesting or unique as I would like, maybe I can take some time to beef them up a bit in the next few weeks, that would be something I'd love to touch up now that we're outside the time crunch haha

Thank you again so much for taking the time to play our game and leave such an in depth comment!


Yeah, I felt that it was perfect in terms of the balance between the mystery and the difficulty! 

Huzzah for geese! They're so awesome :3 We don't have that many kinds here, but when I see greylag geese especially, they always cheer me up xD

Well, you guys did a cracking job with the whole thing! And yeah, as I saw more and more sprites appearing, I was thinking to myself, holy moly that's a lot of work, haha. I didn't actually think to time my playthrough in the end but I was there for quite a while I think. I remember going to get coffee halfway through, sitting back down, and thinking, ahh, sipping coffee and solving a mystery. This is the life! x3

I do love me a good bad ending to sink my teeth into, so I'd definitely be interested in checking those out if you decide to go for it :3


I'll be sure to let you know if I make an update on those bad endings. It's something I'm working on in my spare time and hopefully I'll get it done along with maybe some other bits of polish for visuals :)

We have a massive number of geese where I live, Canadian Geese and some farm geese too. I really find them charming even if a lot of people don't like them. They're so big and round and they look so soft!

I think the game is about 2-3 hours, it was so tough to get this much done in the time limit but hearing you had some coffee with the game and had fun really brightens my day, thank you again for taking the time!