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I loved the progression of getting new skills and supports. The SMT style negotiation mechanic is really cool and it paired with the support system makes battles worth fighting through. Though the encounter rate can get ridiculous at times, like battles appearing the moment you step out of a room. At some point it became too tedious and I just ended up running away from battles. The support system reminded me of the gba Fire Emblem games, good work on that one.

Exploration on 1F can be confusing at times since the hallways look the same and lots of classrooms were sprinkled everywhere. I got lost and had to draw a map to keep track. The quests are great but I think a quest log would be beneficial since it's easy to lose track of objectives and quest giver locations after tons of battles and walking around. Exploration on 2F honestly felt kinda tedious since it's a teleport maze. I would recommend giving the player some sort of way to determine the correct door, rather than trial and error. The battles were balanced pretty well and the Persona boss fights were cool.

Best parts of the game are definitely the art and dialogue. It was fun going back to the 4 girls after recruiting Xinmei for additional dialogue. Koberu and Tristia are my MVPs in battle but Xinmei is best girl. I actually felt kinda bad for Ava and laughed when I realized the plot was basically about a school shooting. Art is top-notch as always and the ending scene with Nora was cute. All things considered, this was an enjoyable ride with some bumps along the way. Great work!

Thanks a ton for playing through Sleepless and suffering through the gamebreaking bugs! I swear I playtested it a little...but probably not enough for a game of this scale. Next time, I'll devote a lot more time to playtesting everything.

I've pushed out an update that should fix things like getting two encounters in a row while also lowering the encounter rate, but you might still get ambushed by enemies after you exit a room. I wanted to put in features like a map and quest log from the start, but time constraints meant that the game was released without much QoL features. If I went and worked some more on the game, though, those will definitely be in there, along with an optional indicator for "important" NPCs. There's a lot of unused enemy designs too if you look in the enemies folder.

I'm glad you enjoyed the characters! I had a lot of fun writing them all, but I definitely wish I put some more time into making scenes and writing social links for them. Currently, the only character support that's finished is Nora and Koneru, but I had a draft of one between Xinmei and Tristia. There was supposed to be a sort of rivalry between them, with Xinmei being the chaos rep and Tristia being the law rep of the game. Xinmei definitely is best girl.