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Hey! I'm having a bit of trouble progressing in the game, regardless of which path I choose when leaving the first screen:

- On the news station path, talking to either the shop owner or the news station NPC have game-breaking results: the face for "people3" is missing in the former, while "Jason" is missing in the latter. Can I progress the story if I push on through the sewers, or is that path closed if those conversations are inaccessible?

- On the "upload" path, I'm unsure whether the dialogue is suggesting I try to do my best Pacman impersonation to keep the zombies away for a certain amount of time, or if I need to beat a certain amount of encounters despite being level 1 and down one character. I beat the enemies spawned from the on-screen purple zombie, but when I saved the game, it said "zombies killed: 0," so I'm not sure trying to take everyone on is the path I want to (or am able to) take.