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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Hey Cobra! I remember the incident somewhat. I did skim through your messages at the time (I often leave answering to pings for later if I don't have the time at that moment) so I did get the gist of it. I didn't see the part where things escalated though. I'm sorry you feel the way you did and if some bullying really went down that's of course not okay. But I do think the mods have been doing good job with the discord overall and I trust their decision. I haven't seen any real abuse of power and in general it's a very peaceful community imo. Mods are just people too ofc so overreactions do happen every now and then. An important thing to note is that the discord was started by a fan of the game, I came there afterwards. So in many ways it's a community that has formed on its own. I have the ownership of the discord these days, but that's only because the previous owner passed it on to me because of personal reasons. But still I prefer to stay there as a visitor instead. Frankly I don't have time or energy to deal with online stuff and it would quickly become quite a burden if I took more active role. So ultimately I think the mods have the right to call the shots the way they see fit. It's as much their place as it is mine.

But yeah it's redundant to blame you for everything if that really happens. I can pass on the message on that part. And if you do have a lurking account there, you can always DM me on discord too. I'm pretty lazy at answering DMs but I try to get to them eventually.

Anyways, thanks for the continued support in any case! I remember you passing on the word about the game during those days too. Whatever small fanbase the game has, it's largely thanks to word of mouth. So again, thanks! I'm sure the game would have sank to the bottom of Steam shovelware if it wasn't for people like you talking around. I'm not sure what you mean by struggling though. I don't think I've said anything too negative about my life online (or irl for that matter). If I did, it was mostly joking around. I mean I do live hobo life to certain degree, but I did that before F&H too. Nothing new there and it's mostly a choice on my part. It's true that if I put these development hours to any real work, I'd make way more money for sure, but I got nothing real to worry about, so no worries.

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Woah. This is pretty coordinated promotion attempt. I don't have the time to set up anything like this and I don't think this kind of forum spamming is the best way to go about it. Talk in forums and message boards should form up in a more organic manner if it was to happen. No one's gonna look positively on a game trying to force itself to certain audience. It's usually very clear when the dev or someone linked to the dev tries to push their game on a forum. That's just annoying.

And also I don't think adult forums are the audience I should be targeting anyways. That kind of audience will only be let down by future content. Termina barely has any stuff like that and most likely future projects will see further decline in adult content.

Deleted 1 year ago

TotenMeister#7462 discord

let us have a wonderful conversation my fine fellow