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A member registered Dec 04, 2019

Recent community posts

I'd just remove it then give a date range like idk 2022-2023 or 24 or 25. Gives more reach to expectancy 

well it's not coming out  2021 not sure why leave the Delayed to 2021! hell just say "Delayed." it doesn't divulge anything or promise anything

orange~a month ago(+2)

Sorry for the late reply. I've missed so many dates and deadlines already, so I won't speculate with the release date anymore one way or another until I'm 100% sure. Sorry for not having any better answers. The game is very far along, that's all I can say.

That's fine, you may want to make a huge announcement when it's out. It's starting to slip my mind. The wait seems less frustrating when it's not given a second thought at all. The world turns whether our minds follow it or not.

relax the sails no telling when shore or doom is upon us near or far, aye you'll only know when it happens. nam shizzle, mi nizzle

TotenMeister#7462 discord

let us have a wonderful conversation my fine fellow 

what was their discord name? the one who banned you, the ones who mocked you, my fellow banned good Samaritan

For a livid inferno within me is burning, whenever for another's' mistreatment I hold the most unforgiving of grudges.

Whatever would make you say that? It's the spooky month, anything is possible.

Marina on traaginen hahmo, ja kuten kaikki pelin hahmot, hän on olosuhteiden uhri.
(1 edit)




生物男性审美女性 女性身份, 进行过渡以避免危险的家庭和邪教责任.

How many of your fans are your customers, one would expect the numbers to be closely aligned no? I would hope they were the same.

A feasible promise outweighs any immediate anticipated gratification. Termina is upon us

cool I was in your discord

That's why it will never work, you got me suicidal

that goat's just a kid

(1 edit)

In this universe I doubt the " hey infant if you aren't different gender and sex then dad gonna do some eff'ed up stuff to you as a son." "Oh thanks mother I am totally okay with rushed and secretive non medicated surgical procedure to very painfully make that happen so I don't suffer a potentially worse fate." was a consenting dialogue between the mother and "infant" son. Probable scenario. Step one provide the infant alcohol, step two pay a stranger to quickly not professionally remove genitalia, step 3 dress him up and instruct the developing child that if it were a boy consequences and child grows understanding this or an honest exchange about their original birth and procedure with the mother so to remain safe.

Thanks Dr. John Money