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Pretty cool endless shooter 

I really like all of your vector sprites and character designs in general, those cartooney aliens are fun and i don't know if it was intentional but since the cat mech's direction matches movement and not aiming, you can pull off some badass backshots while looking the other way :p

and these are some really satisfying lasers as well.

if i had to nitpick i'd have 1 very tiny issue, and that would be to be able to fire by just holding the button instead of spam clicking it, that would be a cool quality of life improvement ^^

Just think i found a bug  not sure if you already know so just in case, i was able to shoot enemies through the 1st platform on the left, though the laser sprite did in fact disapear as if it would not go through.

Anyway, other than these, fun game, and it's really addictive trying to survive as long as possible !

Well done :)


Thanks for the review, and yeah the backfiring thing was planned :D 

I actually decided against holding down the laser button because I thought it might be too easy, but it's true that after a while, the mouse finger starts to hurt. 

Oh I didn't realise that bug, I'll make sure to fix it, thx! :)