win 7 x64
game ver: 0.5.15d x32
Master character gone from "Storage and gear" screen
dont know how it happened...
at the time I had done some modifications in the lab, all the enhancements (btw, almost killed my main char doing so, luckly I was missing two beauty potion and had to go out of lab screen :( ). Except the beauty one, all others was made at once. Added a "dragon tail".
My char race is demon.
Char is still showing up in the older files. Here are autosave1(after the bug) and autosave2(before).
since is still working normally on previous saves, I'm gonna try to fix the main save.
edit: turned out that duration got modified: away":{"at":"lab","duration":2}, I guess that whatever controls gear/storage screen loading only checks if duration is > 0, so maybe this is why my char wasnt showing up there, as my char wasnt away either, the duration coulnt reduce, cause I suppose slave needs to be "away" for it to reduce.
I tried again, but couldnt reproduce it.
in case someone else get it, you can fix by opening your save file with a text editor, use find (ctrl + f in most editors), search for "player", after that search for "away" just let it like: away":{"at":"lab","duration":0}, in case something else got altered.
I remember clicking in the new remove traits button, though there was nothing to my char there... /end edit
while we are at it and I am still remembering, Am I the only one that gets annoyed with in game saves being listed by alphabetical order?