Pixelshift from discord
Beta Version: Official Beta
Did you enjoy the Game?
Yes, the one thing i didn't enjoy was having the target always point to my guy when selecting a target, I would like it to point to the enemy first, and might as well have healing cards auto point to our teammates.
Should Hit and First Aid be changed to be unique for every hero?
No, sometimes the card pull will give a lot of hits or too much aide. so i wouldnt want it to be all on one or two guys.
Rate the following 1 - 5:
Hit: its good for the regular attack
First Aid: same good for healing.
Insight: Didnt see the need for it, maybe it was too early for me in the game. But it definitely felt cool to have,.
Topsy-Turvy: Actually played the tutorial fight 4 times and didnt see this card.
Burning blood: i like the idea of it, very useful.
Iron Platelets: i saw this on the status screen, didnt know anything else about it.
Music: As far as the music, the battle music actually is sickening with headphones. it sounds great on regular speakers. the problem with it on headphones is that there's only one track going at a time at one point. it goes da- da -da -da and with all the sound cuts it gets you feeling a little sick.
Story: not everyone will shine and you cant equally distribute text to the cast, i like it if certain characters shine at different times.
BTW I don't know how far the beta goes but after the tutorial battle, a new sequence happened and after that I couldn't play anymore. Not sure if that's a bug or the end of the beta. I had to play the tutorial battle like 6 times, it felt like a drag getting only 1 hp attacks. I love the system though.