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Day 2

So... I have your standard, run of the mill 'good news/bad news' kinda rigmarole. Due to my poor time management skills, I skipped like two full days of development doing 'work stuff' instead. That's the bad news. The good news is that from now on, I'm going hard on this whole thing, and while I might not be able to finish even 50% of the stuff that I initially envisioned, I'll try to submit #something, come hell or high water.

Onto the actual dev update. Meet Marvin in his new and improved version (turns out that animating robes can be... tricky, I'll probably still use the previous model for something). He now has a monstrously powerful mustache and he looks more like an apprentice than a master of arcane arts, which works better for the extremely generic storyline that I have in mind. Oh, and he can now move, and also heal himself with some basic magic. Neat right? 

I've managed to set up a very basic animation blueprint using animations found on the extremely useful website called mixamo. I have a very rudimentary health and mana system (two variables and two UI progress bars) and I created a basic 'healing spell' that uses said system. I'm not done for today, and I might have more updates so stay tuned!

"That's a pretty powerful mustache. Godlike! Use it to protect your family."