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(1 edit) (+1)

I've gotta admit, I was taking pretty off guard by that ending. It wasn't until I got to it that I was able to see how well you'd dropped in hints of the backstory bit by bit. You did a good job setting up the whole pendant thing. There were some minor spelling and grammar errors, and I was a bit confused about the dwarven lady, but other than that I found this to be an interesting story!

(By the way, did you use the Harlowe (default) story format for this game? If so, there is a way to add music, by using the Harlowe Audio Library: Hope it helps!)


Thanks for the feedback DreamCartographer, that's really useful! I don't know if it's Harlowe or not - first time using twine - but I'll investigate and have a look at that library too thanks.

Yeah I agree, the ending was a bit abrupt 😂I got to a point I needed it to be finished or I wouldn't have got it in on time or my brain may have exploded hahaha. Next time I've got more ideas to make the choices matter more too. Thanks again for playing x


I didn't think it was abrupt! You built up to the reveal with the status of the dimming pendant. I just meant it was surprising in a plot-twisty kind of way. I meant that comment as a good thing, lol.

Like I said, Harlowe is the default, but if you somehow discover you were using Sugarcube that format has built-in capabilities for audio (though you'd have to read up on the documentation for that). So you have options!

I'm glad the feedback was useful! Keep up the good work!