I've been waiting to play this one but I've made it my mission to try and play at least a bit of all of the jam games while I have the time, and I was using a mixture of random + most karma to pick what to play next x3 As soon as I saw the cover for this though, I was immediately attracted to it! I really love the art style + I'm a sucker for theme parks and stuff, haha.
I did my first playthrough blind and wound up with the bad ending, haha. I just picked what I would pick myself x3 (spider, candyfloss, bat.) Pretty much every October, my dad and I travel the country trying to fit in as many theme parks and scream parks as possible because we both love the Halloween atmosphere and scare attractions, so this game is perfect for what we're up to at the moment :D And we were in a hall of mirrors this weekend just gone! I love em, haha. I just hope that when we're at one again this weekend, I don't end up suffering the same fate as in the bad end I got >.< haha.
The guide is much appreciated to get the other endings too, because I probably wouldn't have figured out how to do it all that quickly myself xD
The true ending wound up being my favourite, but I liked all of them :3 Dee is such a badass!