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This was cool. Nice and simple - the start feels a little slow, but as Levrault said, when it kicks off, it becomes an enjoyable challenge.

I found it a little easy to lose track of where a rocket was going to appear once its line disappeared, but I think that might just be part of the intended challenge?

Hope you had a positive experience using Godot, and thanks for doing a Linux build!


Thanks! I Was kinda worried the export versions besides Window wouldnt work bc that has happened before to me. I did intend for the missiles to do that but now that I look aback again it can become tad confusing when the number of missiles increase.


Godot is usually pretty good for exporting Linux builds from other platforms.

The most common mistake I see is when a developer exports the game binary, but not the .pck file (which contains all the game scripts and assets). There is an export preset option for embedding the .pck content within the binary itself, and I think some people turn that on for Windows, but forget that they need to turn it on for each platform individually.

Typically, stuff exported on Windows won't have executable permissions. Users would generally need to enable that themselves, and every now and again, there'll be someone who doesn't know to do that. If that's something you've had trouble with, I've made a tool aimed at helping Windows-based devs manage executable permissions that might be useful.