>:( You're so pertinacious ronaldo-kun. You'd make a great politician I bet. The amount of time you've spent trying to come up with a perfect counter could have been spent turning the jam page into something understandable, but I guess it's easier to justify an already made decision than it is to fix a mistake. That takes effort, and everybody knows effort means nothing in the real world, right? It's better to just complete the task to the lowest acceptable standard and call it a day. Any more than that is energy that could have been spent elsewhere. People aren't perfect, so it's a compromise we just have to make. At this point, I'm reminded of a certain quote, something along the lines of "they'll drag you to their level and beat you with experience". I realise now that you're clearly much, MUCH more experienced than I am. I'm not even gonna try, and you know what? You've won already, and you're still making efforts to help the community. I'm glad you have your own path though, because I would never want to be on that path with somebody that couldn't appreciate the difficulty of making a good jam page. This whole situation is very very annoying for me. I feel like I should be supporting you in any way that I can, but I can't. As much as I can help, it's not worth putting any effort into it because I can only gain so much from the situation and I can't help much by making a stupidly easy page or something. I can only offer useless suggestions like "you should add more stuff to the jam page" and "you need more tags" and "the description should be longer" and "it needs to be written better". All of those are useless because the thing that needs to be written better is the jam page. So yeah, if you could, I'd like you to make the page as well as you can and get it done with. And don't try and tell me how much harder it is for you to make a better jam page because the jam page is made by YOU, so don't act like it's harder for you than it is for me. Like I said, there is no difference in the difficulty of the jam page from a point of view of difficulty to a point of view of time, so I'm sure you can do it if you put the time into it. The difference of time is because you put more of an effort into it, which is actually a good thing. Because it means you care enough about the community to put some effort into it. So yeah, in order to avoid this situation, I'm going to try to not post any useless ideas and suggestions in the comments on this thread or anywhere else for that matter. I don't think it's any of my business to offer useless suggestions to someone when I've been unable to offer anything useful myself. I think it's obvious that your efforts to make the jam page better than it was were a waste of time. The page you've made has no effort put into it because all you've done is taken the easiest path you could take. It's obviously the easiest one. I don't know what made you think of trying to improve things, but you've already made a terrible decision. You made it for the community, which is great. I know I'll sound like a hypocrite but it's important to have your own path, and I don't think you should feel obligated to change anything. If you were planning to make more jam pages after this, you should feel the same way. I'm not gonna try to force you to change any of your intentions. It's your project, your page. If you decide to continue, you should make whatever page you want, no matter how simple it is, because there is no difference between simple and complicated from the point of view of time. It just means more effort from your end to make it simple. But I think this is all going too far. I have better things to do than waste time in useless conversations like this. I'm sorry for having bothered you with this. Hopefully this situation won't affect any jam pages you plan to make from now on. I hope we can all be on a friendly path to make good jam pages for this community in the future.
Viewing post in Is it just me or does this reek of SCAM?
That's it, I'm telling my mom now! When she finds out what you called me, you are going to be in biiiig trouble >:( She might bring out the WOODEN SPOON! You know what happens when that gets pulled out? Fear. Pain. Suffering. Those are the feelings you will feel when you hear her stomping down the hallways ready to get you! I'm going to tell my dad too! Yeah that's right, he's going to find you while you're in class and he's going to give you the worst lecture of your entire life! It's going to be horrific! I'll tell you, your parents are going to be pretty mad at first, but then they're going to feel really bad for you because of how terrible you are! Your mom is going to cry and your dad is going to just shake his head and say "How very disappointed I am" But the real kicker is, your dad's going to start laughing his ass off! He's going to say "Ah ha, you see. My son IS an idiot! I've always been right about him, and I was right! He just couldn't resist getting involved in his teachers business!" Then he's going to laugh some more, and finally he'll stand up and clap his hands and say "Son, I've decided that from now on, you are no longer allowed to go to university, and you will be banned from the internet. Instead, I'm sending you to boot camp. When you come home, you'll be learning a trade so that you can become a productive member of society! You're going to clean toilets and you're going to eat dog food! But that's okay because the last thing I want is for my son to end up being the WORST person in the world!" Your dad is going to stand up, and he's going to hug you tightly, and then he's going to walk off, and then he's going to laugh some more. And then your mom is going to yell at him and tell him how he doesn't understand, and he's going to tell her that YOU'RE the idiot! But, as they're arguing about you, you're going to be going to your room, with no one to stop you! It's going to be the saddest moment in your entire life! You're going to think to yourself "Wow, my parents have forgotten all about me!" But as you start to realize that your mom and dad are right, you're going to start thinking "What have I done to deserve this?" and you're going to start to get really sad, and then you're going to realize that all of this happened because you got involved and called me stupid!