I didn't really get it at first, but this is a really lovely idle game. The art, music, and sfx all evoke this very relaxing vibe that doesn't get old. I'm surprised all these different parts came together so nicely. Once I figured the game out, I only expected to stay on it for a bit longer, but I've ended up playing for quiet a few minutes now haha.
For feedback, I didn't really understand the initial instruction bar, so I had to figure out the game through trial and error (which was easy enough since there's no fail state I'm aware of). There are also some icons that I can't really decipher. I'm not sure what the first resource that falls is, and I'm also not aware what some of the things I'm placing are (or why I'm placing them).
However, it still all comes together very nicely. I very much appreciate the minimal use of text and numbers. Outside of the text for the resource meters above, the game can be perfectly played and eventually understood from visuals alone. I think this was a very interesting restriction that definitely paid off in making the game stand out and have a stronger sense of identity. Well done!