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(1 edit)

Eighth day of the jam

Time flies by so fast:

Sunday, 12:33 am, i'm entering in my 13 hours of work for today. I'm exhausted and exicted at the same time. The prototype is almost testable, I hope that I can send a demo in the playtest in few hours. Just need a few tweaks here and there, creating some levels for testing the interactions bewteen the differents features, testing the sound and music, the menu etc.

But hey, let's review this looooong day of work. I'm not gonna lie, half of the time, I wasn't really efficient (watching the semi-finals of overwatch league, playing with my cat and chilling on music).

First, days ago, I've created a menu/pause with the only possibility to go down in loop, now it's fixed, you can do up and down in loop.

I've added a camera that is fixed on the player. Creating the camera wasn't really difficult, on the other hand, put back in all my information was an another story.

Basically, for the text on the pause screen, or the timer, things like that, I had created a draw event in their respective object. The draw event take information like the x coordinate on the room width /height, or now, my camera is focus on the player. So, I changed the draw event in draw gui and tweak some numbers.

After finished the camera, I realized that I was writing a little bit my UI for the menu in the same time, so before going full rework of the menu, I searched some of my ancient songs for adding a sound menu. Unfortunately I didn't found my external hard drive, so instead I recovered some "drunk" songs (songs that have been made when I was drunk) on dropbox. In the end, it's not very important 'cause the sound use for the moment are not the final one. After this inconvenience, it was time to met the sound section of game maker (I never used it before or even see a tutorial on this).

Pretty simple to use. I added a group of sfx and a group of music, created an object music and set some variables. When the game starts, begin this sound, when the player selects new game, switch from this sound to this sound. When the player hits the pause, have the gain drops by this amount, when the room restarts, have the music restarts. It was a fun moment and a great discovery. After the jam, I think I'm gonna test some silly things with this.

In the meantime, I tried some sound effects, searching for a goofy one. For the moment I have a hurt sound and a "congratulations" sound when you finish the level.

Lunch time!

During the digestion, I've made some tests on my new additions and I encountered a new problem. My sprites "-1" and "+5" are not set in the camera zone. I've fixed it. I've also made some lines for preventing the music of overlapping itself.

Here's a quick view at the prototype (sorry for sound (maybe too loud) and the bad video quality, I've messed up my obs' settings):

After some sleep, I'm gonna make a few levels and upload the prototype in the playtest.

The one and the only, el famoso "next steps":

  1. Work on the sprite and animations of the environment, the bounderies etc.
  2. Sfx and music time !  (halfway on this point, just need to make some music and sounds but I've already have all the rest setup)
  3. design some levels (with the plastic continent world, the tanker, the ancient cities etc)
  4. Better UI, rework the pause menu and main menu. (halfway on this also)