Actually that makes it easier, as it's just a straight issue of updating the UI in that case, if it affects Starter as well.
Oh and about the red box, I meant newer builds, haha. Like, the ones I currently have unreleased. As the ones released are really old, so it's hard to say if the newer builds also have the red box.
My email is publicly available, so I just assumed you had it when you asked, lol. But here, it's this:
It is most likely the exact same build. I obviously don't mind though, just be aware that there may not be any difference, haha.
And looked into them. Some weren't wrong and didn't need any fixing (ex: "navigate an area easier" vs "navigate an area easily"), but I've fixed the ones that were wrong or had unnecessary words. :P
Yes, I thought as much as well, given that progressing past AC-K2 is still impossible, with or without the extra coins from the Memory Zone :p
Ah, okay then; I did note, however, that it's a bit hard to move the map around when you're viewing it, since it remains fixed on one spot depending on which area you're in.
By the way, while playing though the Indie DB build, I noticed that grabbing the first Digital Heart capsule in the Memory Zone led to to Starter's coin amount increase by 5, healing up and/or saving at the last checkpoint before fighting Avatar X01 increased Starter's coin count by 8, and collecting coins from the fallen viruses does not lead to an increase in Starter's coins.
Also, the Crazed Robot says 'Prepare to be De-assembled', though I think he meant 'Diassembled' instead :p