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(1 edit)

Umm... you may want to double check your game files. I don't know if this is just my computers problem but I have some problems with this game. I get they're not your fault, maybe you just got confused about something.

1. The main menu options don't have an option to go back. If there is, sorry, I just couldn't find it.

 1.5. I think the "Controls" option is not working.

2. Crashing with the UFOs don't make anything happen.

3. The game crashes when pressing the down arrow key, which seems to be the only working key (maybe UP also works but I dunno).

If you want to re-upload it, there's a post in "Community" with the host of the Jam giving opportunities to upload a late proyect, and I think your case could count as one.

Hope you get to fix it, because overall it seems like a nice game that just got some problems when being runned. I'll rate your game once it's fixed, because I think it looks pretty nice and it does not deserve a bad rating just because some problems happened that make it un-playable.

Good Luck!

Ik and again I tested after submitting which was a big mistake so I am sorry