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A member registered Feb 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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I will but cuz of time I'm not sure if I'll post a comment.

Thanks. I'll rate yours but cuz of time idk if I'll be able to leave a comment.

It's a nice platformer, I'm quite satisfied with the level design but I don't totally get what it has to do with the theme. I get the story is that your ship needs some repairs, but honestly, neither the rooms seem to have anything to do with a ship or the player seems to be reparing anything on the game, so it kinda confuses me, but on every other aspect, you totally nailed it.

Nice game.

This game is easy to play, easy to understand, the mechanics are simple, and the concept is both original and fun, also I like that you can see the highscores, my only complaint is that maybe it could be too simple but even then, it's still enjoyable, so I think that's a minor issue.

Hope to see this project on top.

Also I love the graphics, very unique.

I will! Thanks :)

Thank you :D

Thanks ;)

Neat game. I like the music but I think after a while it gets kinda repetitive. The game is enjoyable but I think the instructions should be clearer or there should be a small tutorial,

Still a nice game tho.

It's a simple game, yet entertaining. Nice job.

Yes, I think that's enough to understand the basics, if you put an explanation like that in the update, I think it'll be easier for the player to understand what to do.

Thanks for taking the time to explain, I'm curious to see how this will turn out. :)

In your case, I think that the tutorial should include:

1. How to win the game (Seriously, with so much things to use your energy for, I don't exactly get what I'm supposed to do, maybe it's obvious and I don't get it but still I think "rebuild your engine / spaceship" with so many different actions to make and no explanation of what they do can make things confusing the first times you play.

2. What resources are useful for (I got a counter and I think there are actions that turn energy into resources but why am I collecting them?)

3. Short description of every action possible (maybe just smth like "adds 2 energy" would be enough, and ik there are some explanations but still I think it's kinda like "ok I get it but why is that useful?".

PD: If you don't want to make a long boring tutorial, maybe you could add a diary with the result of your actions from the day before and an explanation of why they make chances to win higher or lower, following the same principles I mentioned here.

Hope this can help you. Have a nice day.

An interesting concept. The graphics and audio match perfectly and I like the general concept.

I only think that there should be a short tutorial to understand quicker how to play, as well as I wish you could turn on fullscreen.

Thanks for the feedback ;)

A short but fun game. My only complaint is that I wished there was a reset button so I don't have to refresh the page everytime I misplace a block and lose it forever, as well as to keep on the same level.

It took me a while to realize there were only 3 levels.

The interactions of the ball with the blocks are really satisfying, at least for me.

Nice work ;)

(1 edit)

Thanks. I usually like testing games for real and give the best opinion I can, I think that's the best way to assure other people do the same, so we can both improve our games / knowledge.

About your offer, I wasn't expecting that tbh.

I'd look forward to a collab but rn I'm in another one, and I may take some time to finish it.

However, here's my Discord if you want to talk about anything. As I said before, I may be kinda busy with some projects, but I think none of us loses anything:


Edit: English is my 2nd language so sorry if some parts were hard to understand.

Tbh I love the graphics and I'm surprised this was all made from wallpaper images. The story is well told with the help of those images and I have to say your skill to use those images as graphics took me off-guard.

I only wished there was an option to skip the cutscene / explanations, because I personally think that when you are playing a jam game, you usually want to try the content asap and then, if you are interested, keep playing until 100%, same goes with the help menu, which I think should let you proceed + show all info you need to know at the same time so you don't have to wait if you finished reading / be frustrated because you didn't have time to read everything.

Still, I really enjoy the concept and even if you didn't make the graphics, I really like how you implemented them into your game. Hope to see more of you in the future ;)

This is probably the most relaxing game of the jam.

It's a really simple game, easy to understand, the premise is quite simple too but it works.

The SFX really helps to create a relaxing feeling and even if you have to pay attention to the screen, you don't have to focus on it at 100%.

Really good work. You got a new follower.

Hey there! I'm glad you liked the game :D

Yeah, as I was answering Letipas comment, I also figured out some short tutorial would help. After the jam I'll probably add it.

And don't worry, I'll be checking every game from people in the comments ;) after Letipas I'll probably check out yours.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm happy you liked it.

About the music, yeah, I'm no expert, that's not an excuse but what I mean is that I have the same problem with some other games I make, so probably I should dedicate more time to create longer tracks, or, as you suggest, just add a lot of sfx.

Also, yeah probably a tutorial would be nice, but idk, I think there are too many controls and most of them appear when you need but yh probably at least something to know how to use the axe and shovel would help I think, probably will add them after the jam ends.

I'm going to check your game, thanks for the sweet words! :D

Oh, I think there may be a misunderstanding, no problem,  I think I should've explained myself better.

About the 1st issue, yes, it makes a lot of sense that wood goes with wood and not with stone, but that's not what I meant.

Basically, the side the player is facing seems to tell if the wood is place or not. When the player is facing left when I pressed P, the player put the wood on place, and the counter changed from 0 - 4 to 1 - 4, when I did the same but with the player facing right, he attacked and the counter remained the same.

I cannot trigger the bug anymore but I swear that when I did, the wood pile was with the orange border. If there was a mistake by my part that I did not understand, I apologize, but I wanted to make clear that I was not confusing the piles. And by the way, I actually finished your game ;)

About the 2nd issue, yeah that's probably what happened,  I was just pointing it out in hopes that you take it into account for further projects for aesthetic. Sure, gameplay is the most important part, but visual bugs can also make the experience a little worse. It's like receiving your pizza with the cheese side facing the box's floor. Sure, it does not affect the flavour, and most likely won't make the pizza unhealthy to eat, but it will make a small mess.

Anyway, thanks for answering and I hope this made things more clear, as I said before, I cannot trigger the 1st issue anymore, so maybe it was my fault.

Hope to see more of you in the future, I really like your game's aesthetic.

I'm not entirely sure of what I just played, BUT it was lots of fun.

Great work!

The animation at the start was really funny and the game itself seems pretty solid, I'm just kinda bad at most shooting games so it was kind of a challenge to me.

My only complaint is the pause menu, because I think it doesn't stay on its place, but besides, it's a really fun game.

(1 edit)

I love the artstyle of the game. Even if it's pixel-art, I find it very expressive (don't mind me wrong, I use it all the time and find it pretty cool, what I mean is that picking the right palette as well as the style can be quite complicated).

My only complaints are:

1. When trying to place wood into the pile of dirt (if that is what I think it is) from the right side (character looking to the right), it sometimes attack instead, and does not place the wood, even if the pile of dirt has the orange border.

2. If you release a directional key (let's say left / A) and then keep pressing the opposite one (right / D), the character will moonwalk. I think you put a condition so if you release D, the animation will change, and same as A, but then you just put the move as something that happens when any of them are pressed. I recommend you put the animation change in the same "when X key pressed" condition.

Besides that, it's a pretty enjoyable game, I kinda wished I got to do more with the rhino or that you could be able to customize it more, but it is a good game anyway.

Great work!

Edit: I also wanted to mention I love the audio.

I see. Yeah, now I've tried and I think it works just as you say it does.

Thanks for answering :D


I'm glad you liked it :D

I like it. Cool idea to build the path.

Good work.

It's a cool game, and I personally like a lot the aesthetic. My only complaints are that I could not figure out how to place stone blocks and that the music isn't on loop. However, I think it's a pretty decent project, just wished the building mechanic was given more relevance because tbh I feel like I could 100% play this game and get a high score without placing any blocks.

It is, however, enjoyable despite that, so nice work, mate!

I really like the art as well as the mechanics. My only problem is that I couldn't find the exact controls at first to use the skills. While some of them are passive, some of them also have to be triggered by a key and I had to spend a little while figuring out how to use it.

I'm pretty sure the game is about rebuilding something (maybe a part of the base or the place where the main character is or smth, judging by the 30 collectibles). But still I'd like a more specific explanation.

Nice work, man!

Oh! I thought the controls were kinda intuitive (every white character that is in front of a black square is a key control) and on the main screen I added the only control that ain't mentioned anywhere else (e to use object) but after the jam ends I'll see what else I can do to improve it.

Also, this isn't actually a builder game, instead, it's a game about collecting 10k of money the fastest way possible (BUILDing up a small fortune) but I understand the similarities you could find.

Anyway, thanks for your comments and the feedback!

I think it's a pretty literal take on the theme, so while I must admit it succesfully follows the theme, I don't think I'm able to say the same about the originality, no offense intended.

Besides, it's a short but enjoyable game and it's quite straight to the point, so I like that.

It was an interesting game. I think it was too hard for me until a certain point where the polar bears just decided they didn't want to eat the baby penguins anymore (not sure if that was intentional or a bug) but still, I was missing 2 or 3 blocks to complete the igloo because of the warming and the seals.

Great game, also I like the music.

(1 edit)

Yh that's it. I'd thank you a lot if you rated my game and I'll rate yours as soon as I can as well if you do.

Edit: It would also help a lot if you left me a comment so I can confirm you rated my game because that'll make it faster for me to rate yours. Sorry, I think I should've specified, but still, I'll try to rate as many games as possible in my free time.

Neat game. I think the main character should have some more animations but still, it was a fun game to play.

The crafting mechanics turned out kind of confusing to me, but still, I found this game really enjoyable.

Nice game. I find the physics kinda odd but it adds up to the originality so yh.

My only complaints are that music and sfx are turned off by default but still, a nice game.

I love the graphics and both the music and sound effects. I find it weird that sometimes I can't pick the jewels and I would like to know if that's a bug or there's any logic behind it.

A really nice game.

Hmm, now that you mention it, I think that's a nice idea. I can't do anything right now but I'll see how I can make something like that. Thanks for your comments! I'll check out your game.