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(2 edits) (+1)

minor spoilers

Still playing through this. Even if level scaling is making the Sewer Wrath Slime a tougher fight than intended, I found it managable by alternating between Lunge and Bribe to stall for another Lunge. I was able to get Devon but didn't realize that the Wrath Slime vendetta meant an inescapable unbribeable boss fight would be appearing on basically every map. I think that means I should stop rationing saves - they're not even $10 yet.

Couple of little bugs I ran into:

The conversation markers on the map started appearing when Devon joined, which made me remember the marker I triggered before recruiting any party members, I think in the room north of the woods bus stop with the attacking flowers? I wasn't sure if that was a bug or a very contextless flashback/flash forward at the time.

You can see a lot of health bars for the empty slots in the Stanley fight if you use Spray. Also you get a Broken Flute even if you win without trying to grab it before the fight? I'd understand if it was intentional, and maybe I missed a line at the end of the fight, but nobody seemed to say anything about it being broken until I turned it in at the Bar.

It would be convenient if the shop interface showed a comparison against what you already have equipped, instead of against baseline stats and a net stat delta. If that's an RPG Maker limitation it's not a big deal.

Still plenty of stuff left to dive into here. I'm really only inching my way through and things like Wrath Slime and Stanley revenge attacks tend to make me regret my frugal approach to saving.

Oh, this was all on 1.1 I think? So if anything changed in 1.2 I haven't checked it out yet. Nothing shows up in the itch client install options on Windows 10 so I downloaded it and forgot to keep it updated

I opened my 1.1 save in 1.2 and got 3 distinct phone calls in a row as soon as it loaded

Oh?? On god??

Okay, adding all this to the fix list. I might have messed up on the phone call variables when I was adding new ones.

And yeah, unfortunately the lack of shop comparison is an engine thing. I’ll try to see if there’s a script that I could use because I do find this inconvenient for Devon’s equipment and really any that changes anything but the principle stat. As for the health bar thing, I’m actually not sure how to fix that yet, but that’s definitely something I want to fix.

Thanks again for the feedback!

Actually, were you in the forest when the phone calls happened? I added two set phone calls there (one upon arriving and one after getting Ramona’s license), so both of them got set off when you came back with a third one playing by coincidence.

I was! Sounds like it could just be a bug that shows up when you reload a save from before 1.2.

Love the new battle open splash!

I can keep posting these as I run into them or I can dump a handful at once.  whichever is less annoying.

I went to both the clinic and the church with a downed party member, but neither seemed to be able to do anything about it. The way it was phrased, I thought the church might be about curing the stat-downs from being KOd, but I didn't even get that much out of them. I could be misunderstanding the point of both buildings.

I entered combat with Ramona down (specifically, I confronted the prankster rat guy after giving him 5 stingers) and combat opened with the "Ramona is down... -1 something or other" message. Is that supposed to compound like that? (the combat did not go well)

Oh, yeah, I didn’t communicate the purpose of the church well enough. When a character is downed enough times, you can visit the church for a ritual that gives you the chance to increase stats and improve their skills. As for the clinic, it currently doesn’t have a purpose besides being a place to visit a character after a point. Originally, the church’s role would have belonged to the clinic but I wanted to expand on the apartment area. With that in mind, I want the clinic to have a purpose, and I should make the church’s more clear.

Also, yeah, that is an oversight I’m aware of. I have an alternate way of setting up the death system in mind where it only triggers upon death, but it would mean that it’d be possible to lose stats multiple times in one battle due to being downed immediately on revive. I’m honestly not sure if I should keep the current system (which would punish players that doesn’t keep lemonade on hand) or switch to that (where players could potentially lose multiple stats in one battle).