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(2 edits)

Yes, finally I completed it!

First try btw!

*drops cheat sheet*

Nah, I'm lying, I couldn't get it done even with the cheats. Still, pretty nice game. I see a lot of potential for a longer rage game, the atmposhere it gives is really tense, and the music fits both being relaxed and being stressed or raging.

My only complaints is that the fishball seems more like a hamsterball (well, I get it's a fishball, but still) and that the raging elements appear a lot later than when starting the game. Maybe it's to give a feeling of the game being easy to then rage the player, but still, I think there's much space between them. All parts of the game before of the construction are easy if you time them properly, and as there's no roof to cut your jump, it's pretty easy to do that, and as Rob mentioned, the jump-timer is frustrating because it seems like an unfair element. All the game looks kinda fair and completable with the correct timing, but the timer makes everything more difficult because you can spend 30 minutes figuring out the correct angle for your ufo, just for the timer to ruin it and get you 5 degrees wrong (literally talking, that's impossible but I think you get the point) . I think the point of rage games is that the player is the one that rages with himself (well, maybe with the game, but mostly with its lack of hability to complete it) and not the game making them rage.

To explain my point better, I'll put you an example. Imagine there's this RPG game where all enemies are hard to beat because of their attacks and habilities that worsen or neglect yours. That would be a nice rage game because the player struggles to beat them, but deep down he knows that there's a way that someone has found before, and its (mostly) his fault for not finding the correct combination.

Then, we got an RPG game that makes you find enemies every step you take, remove stuff from you without warning (or even with it) & for no reason, or even kill you at random times. That's not a great rage game. The players complain about THE GAME and they are angry with it for being unfair, rather than being angry about it for being too difficult. Players keep playing great rage games because deep down, they know they are fair, or at least most of their efforts are the ones that cause the final result. However, a rage game that justs makes it harder for the player DIRECTLY (almost everything but obstacles).

That's the only part of the game that I consider quite unfair, since all the other parts are sane. The UFO angle is hard to calculate, but by just moving right to left and left to right, you can get it within a few seconds, and while the obstacles are the rage-part of the game, they are fairly designed.

I hope this helps you for the future! Pretty nice game overall!

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Thanks for the feedback. I agree that the timer is a bit unfair, but at the time i didn't have a better solution for making the jump more balanced.

In the future i will be sure to try and make things more fair for the player, because nobody likes if they fail because the game is poorly designed

Again, thanks for playing the game and giving feedback, it helps me a ton because i'm currently trying on improving my game designing skills