As I said before, I'm going to take your advice on what would make my game better. Obviously, I'm not going to upload it before the jam ends, but I want to see how much potential this project has.
Here's a list of things I'm planning to put on the 2.0 version, based on your comments:
- Fix the water-bottle bug (Apparently, none of you had problems with it and it's just me, but still)
- Add a controls diagram (Inspired by Rob Hoff's comment. That would make them more obvious and easier for everybody to realize what's going on.)
- More sfx (Inspired by Rob Hoff's, Tr33 Gam3 Studios's and Elvendwarf's comment. That would make the player know that something is happening, for example, with the food and water)
- A longer theme (QuietBenchZen pointed out that the background loop gets repetitive. I'll try and make an effort on making an extended version, probably at least 1 minute long, so the music don't get players tired early on.)
- A.Fish buff (Inspired by Micrikacik's comment. The idea is that this fish is challenging for the player, not impossible, so instead of lowering the hunger bar each 0.02 seconds, it will do it each 0.027 seconds, which is what I think is the closer between fair and challenging)
- Rounded score (thanks to Elvendwarf for giving me the idea of how to finally fix the messed up score, to make it work like a normal game. Credit also to Micrikacik)
- A fish image of the fish you've chosen at the game over screen (that way, if players want to beat their highscore with certain fish, or record videos trying some challenges with each fish, it's easier to confirm that they actually did it. A minor thing that I would like to add.)
Some of this stuff might get scrapped, but the A.Fish buff and the fish-image are the most likely to going to happen for real.
To finish this, here I got some leaks of the 2.0
Game's Cover

Pik Ur Fish Screen

Game Screen: A diagram of the controls was added, and it emulates the keys being pressed when the player hits them. Water bottles have changed its place.
If you got any other suggestions for the Re-Fished version of the game, I would love to hear you all! This is my best rated game so far so I would like to see if the changes I'm planning to do are of your liking or what other things would you recommend me to add to the final product. (Note that new mechanics are probably not going to be taken on consideration, since the game is based on the originals, and as I said before, 100 events hardly managed to get the game to work. The game code will be worked almost from scratch in order to find ways to add more events and save space, however, adding another mechanic would generally take too much events for me to add it.)
I hope you liked this post so far! If some new player is reading this and just finished the game, also feel welcome to give feedback about what would make the game better.
That's all for now! Let me now in the comments what else you would like to be added.