I noticed a couple of issues pretty quickly.
Immediately, the first thing i noticed is that the screen resolution absolutely tiny; it kinda makes the game virtually unplayable. Using PlayerPrefs you could save a series of resolutions and then scale the game window in code, or just re-enable the unity game launcher with some preset resolutions.
On a similar note, elements of your UI aren't correctly anchored to the canvas. The text boxes do not scale with screen size, causing them to appear mostly off screen, and various other UI elements are either poorly scaled or misaligned. Unity UI anchoring can be a bit finicky, but you should be able to fix this by making sure your canvas is set to scale with screen resolution, and then setting the width / height ratio to 0.5. After that, just make sure each rect transform is anchored and/or stretching. Using a panel set to stretch in all directions can be also be helpful when dealing with UI.
Finally, it seems that audio occasionally stutters, though this could just C# garbage collection getting in the way of things.
Anyways, I look forward to playing this once it gets fixed up, and I hope some of the tips I threw in help you out with that.