A busy weekend for me!
I've got a lot more artwork done and now in place in the game:
Artwork still to do:
- Gull wings
- Gull legs
- Gull body variants
- Player shorts
- Player feet
- A few GUI elements
- Obstacles
- Parralax background items
- Coconuts!
I've got the bird spawning mechanics done, the timer is tied to a static PlayerStats class so that it can be affected by upgrades. This PlayerStats class is also referenced for various values in my PlayerController and GrappleController scripts again to facilitate upgrades.
I did a major rework of the player state machine as it was getting annoying working with half a dozen boolean values! I may refactor this again tonight to separate the states out into their own scripts, not sure yet if it's worth the hassle.
I've got a rudimentary main menu, pause menu and GUI up and running. I've also set up an audio manager script to avoid having to endlessly add audio source components to my GameObjects (thank you Brackeys for the inspiration!).
I've managed to squash an issue where the mouse's position was drifting slowly to the left of where it should be over time. It turned out to be because the Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint() method was returning a Vector3 with a different z value than where my 2D items are located.
I also had a pretty funny issue where the gulls would flit between facing left and right indefinitely when grappled, I almost left that one in :-P