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This game has potential and, for a proto-type, it actually has a decent amount going for it!

If you'd like a little feedback on the game, here's a few things if/when you can:

- controls need tightened up a bit; I'm sure other stuff takes priority ofc, but, particularly the controls navigating the ship in ftl mode either ship I find it difficult to get where I need to go.  

 1. In ship 1's case the ladder constantly gets the character stuck and it takes a lot of doing to access the middle level and leaving the ladder at the bottom. Also, the powerups collected on the planet are still active on the ship which makes it more difficult to deal with the ladder. Suggestion for that: maybe disable the powerups on board the craft? As far as the ladder is concerned if there's a way to keep the up and down without the character being "locked in" that may very well resolve the issue.

 2. Ship 2 IDK where to start, but can say it might be worth rethinking the vertical access hatches. I was not able to go to any part of the ship aside the bottom after returning from a planet. The issue is that you have to jump to try and get the hatch to open which, if you can, even if you double jump you don't have near enough time to get onto the second floor let alone the third. Maybe change the trigger for the hatches a bit above and below so that when you walk up to it it opens without contact? Also changing the timing would help I think. Like, speed up the opening, set a timer before the hatch starts closing and finally lower the speed of it closing, if that's possible with the tools/code you've got running under the hood. I know engine limitations can be a real pain to deal with.

 3. The ship battles. Didn't know what I was doing/was unclear on how to access/fire the ship weapons. If you're looking for a redesign maybe have the guns auto lock and be tied to a hideable toolbar at the bottom? That or clarification on how to use them. I couldn't figure it out. OFC, I was flying blind so to speak because I didn't look at the controls in the description here so, that's probably the issue on my side.

That's about all I can think of for now, haven't got too far to provide other suggestions, and, for clarity, I'm giving this feedback because I really, REALLY like the premise of the game and am pleasantly surprised at the current functionality of it. Keep up the work and let me know if you want a play tester. Been gaming since the late 80's multiple consoles and a few PC's... probably to a bit of an unhealthy level lol, and am very much a fan of this project! Keep up the good work! YOUUU CAAANNN DOOOOO EEET!


Oh boy! This is a chunky comment, Thank you so much for giving the game a try and sharing your feedback and thoughts about it, I really appreciate these kind of comments the most.

Currently the game is quite different, both visually and gameplay wise, in short: everything is better with some additional major features.

I have mostly solved every Issue concerning the player movement and controls, the rest is just scheduled to be solved later on because as you already know other stuff takes priority.

For the space battle part: It was the least focused in the prototype, and because I did not provide any guide or tutorial on that part, I understand that the controls are not that intuitive.

Please know that the game is still in development and a demo for it is planed for release, its going to take a while but if you really want to be there when it resurface, please follow us on itch or on the other social medias provided on this page.

And again thank you so much for the encouragement!

Yeah, sorry about that, sort of long winded when I find something I like. 

I figured there were things that were different in the release version than the prototype. I don't go on social media but will def follow you on itch for sure! Looking forward to this game! Keep up the awesome work and, I also love when there's a dev that takes the time to read a response and respond accordingly. You keep doing you and stay safe with all the craziness going on in the world.