I'm surprised that I'm only the second reviewer to this game, because it's like discovering a really polished gem that nobody is speaking of! The writing style is engaging and atmospheric where you want to find out what happened to this post-apocalyptic world and what is still left.
List of highlights:
- Everything about the art is very clean. There are little details like characters having blinking eyes animation and them having multiple expressions. The alpaca doll is cute. The backgrounds are so detailed and you introduce a new bg when they move to a new location (I counted almost 10 of them). I also enjoy the zooming and panning effect you do on the bg at times.
- The voice acting for both characters is amazing. The character writing is great, where the emotions really shine through the VAs. I like reading about Casper's inner thoughts and the conversations between the duo. I also want to point out that since this is not a kinetic novel, so there's a high chance that there's content not every player may even see, but you made sure that these small variations are voice acted too.
- The branch options make it exciting to go through the game. Like a survival game, I'm tasked to collect items and make choices what I want to bring along with limited space.
I can only find two endings (bad ending where Fifteen disappears & ending where you find out the dog has a Sixteen tattoo). The second ending is quite a cliffhanger, because I'm not sure what the implications are. We probably know that Fifteen and Sixteen where held captive at the same place, but I can't help but think that the monster dog could have been formerly a human. I'm not sure if I will ever find out, as even though this story is only 1-hour experience, it already feels more rich than that, so it works as a self-contained VN.