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Thanks for your comment ^_^

I know it's a repetitive task : who has told that saving souls would be easy ? ^^" I've explained how this game works in an another anwser to a comment : it's why souls behaviours are sometimes impredictable. Well done for reaching the 6-7 saved souls ! So close to 10 becomes a challenge against Purgatory (and its aim of equilibrium).

My game engine is "Clickteam Fusion". It helps me to create anything from scratch. So with this tool (that avoid me to write in a specific language) I can program my own game engine to be sure it fits to my own project. So everytime I start with an empty page and begin with absolutly nothing (no sky, no gravity, no pre-made concept or gameplay, ...) and create everything "by hand". Perhaps harder, but freedom of creativity has no price.

Take time to try this game another day, it's very grateful to reach the end, specially when it's not an easy task.