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i just realized im locked out of amys questline, i havent done her 4th questline apparently and i can get it to activate for whatever reason. theres a promt when i teach a morning class where i have to relieve her, but then after that nothing happens


To progress in Amy's path she has to go the full weeks time without any gratification whatsoever. So the first time she shows up just wanting a release then each day she starts offering things like HJ or BJ and then offers sex and so on. If you accept  at any point cuz you want to view the scene then the 7 day counter starts all over. But if you hold out and refuse her each time on the next weekday morning after the full time period you will finally punish her and have anal sex with her.  She will then agree to be your test training subject for others to practice on.  That will happen in future updates apparently. But for now after she agrees you can summon her after school and repeat the punishments on her.  There is only one more thing you can do with her in the current version after she agrees to be test subject.  Once the swimming pool is built on tuesday mornings you can follow her into the girls locker room and have vag or anal sex with her.

thats great and all but i waited many weeks with only a promt in class telling me " Looks like shes suffering with those chastity panties on, dont worry amy ill make sure to do somemthing special when your punishment is over" after that i try calling her but it doesnt give me the option. i denied her relief everytime she asked and somehow i get the scenes. idk if im locked out 


If you have advanced through the entire week of her being forced to wear them, she shows up the morning they are to be taken off as well. I personally selected to make her wait until after classes, at which point the punishment activated and the event was completed. I don't know if you chose to let her out early or not (I don't even remember if you can let her out of them that morning or not), but if you are stuck in a loop where you are prompted to let her out of them but are unable to, then you may indeed be bugged.

It may be bugged for you I don't know. After refusing her the final time the next day you automatically have her come after school for a private punishment. I would say don't automatically skip through days if you were and maybe don't have any other girls come after school for punishments and maybe that will trigger it for you? On my playthrough  it would have fallen on a friday but cuz of the board meeting it didn't happen til monday. Also you won't get the option to summon her after school until after you've completed this and assigned her the role of test subject.  So if you have the option to summon her but are still getting the chastity panties scenes it sounds like a definite bug. In that case hopefully you have a save game point from before this path that you can revert to and try again without having to play from beginning?


i restarted the game, i tried fixing it, but i got impatient over a small bug