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(1 edit) (+1)

Okay first of all sorry for writing two comments instead of just editing the old one but this will be long and might have SPOILERS so I thought I might as well.

Okay so once I found out about the multiple endings thing I had to go try to find them.
1_ DUDE I UNDERESTIMATED THIS GAME, AND BY A LOT! the other endings scared the crap out of me...
2_ I really hope the mom being in hell is a reference to the famous line from "The Exorcist" I really really do.

3_ I noticed the title screen thing, and OH. MY. GOD. you are one smartass dude.

4_ I am both sad that I didn't try "Hell" even though I thought of it, and disappointed that "Frug", "Kaori" and "Toby" weren't part of the endings, but I guess I was reading too much into it.

5_ I am terrified of Hana rn lol (hey. my points can't all be serious)

This was an amazing job, I'll try to follow your work from now on whenever I'm looking for an awesome horror game to play. I'm not usually a fan of visual novels (Ironic considering I made one too, I'm just lazy) but damn did this grab my ever fading attention. 5 stars boy!!!