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I really liked this game. The loud colors and banjo-style sampling went really well together.

I have a really hard time understanding how the game is played though, and I think a big thing that might help the flow is either arranging the cards to be in a cross shape (like the arrow keys) or not having your candy sprites come to points like arrows.

I know that might sound confusing, but if you ever played that game mode in Brain Age with the color words that are typed in different color fonts, you might know what I'm talking about.

But other than the card layout, I think the rest of the UI is well though-out and the general vibe of the game is really fun and wacky. Lots of Tricks and Treats for sure. Even a little bit of 💀.

-Ian G


Thank you! I'll try messing with that part of the UI a bit. I was trying to make the game compatible for the SOP arcade machine and didn't have that many options for controls.


I'm new to SOP and had no idea they have an arcade machine. that's really really cool. I'm gonna have to look into that. Making your game for arcade must have been a really cool challenge.