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Tiny piece, but a good one!

If this was turned into an entire story, it would be hard to stop playing. Realizing exactly what your doing is almost heartbreaking yet you can’t help but sympathize with the character. I feel this little game mostly shines in it’s story.

Outside of that, the horror aspect was extremely abrupt and out of place. In fact, I almost wished you wouldn’t have put in the ending we got at all. As well, there wasn’t really much in actual gameplay.

None the less, for a tiny game, this is far from bad! Good work, I actually enjoyed it a lot!


Thank you very much!😅, my gameplay plan was a little bit of puzzles a long the way to the grave and more uncovering of the story along with it, but I only have 2 more days to make it, that's what I get for joing 3 Jams at a time😅