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A member registered Sep 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Feedback is much appreciated, and no worries because we are too!

Feedback is much appreciated! We are glad to hear that even though the design is simple, it worked!

Interesting piece!

The sounds of the eyes blinking is stupidly amusing to me, and the game in general is pretty polished! It features some very nice art with a cute little soundtrack. Controls feel smooth and mechanics feel fitting!

Overall, great game, no complaints!

Woah, this was not what I expected!

While admittedly the UI and lack of sound is a bit boring, everything else was amazing! The story was very detailed and thought out, with the gameplay making me actually feel like the character trying to be conveyed!

This is an overall great game and earned a 5/5 on Enjoyment and Story from me! Congrats! Keep up the amazing work!

A runner!

This isn’t bad and potentially a bit above my skill level, but decent none the less! The aesthetics were nice and controls fit well! My only complaint is there was not much detail in-game about controls and how they could be used. I wish there was some sort of tutorial level to help the player prepare for how to use each mechanic in this runner.

Otherwise, great game! Good job!

I have learned I am a bad exorcist.

I have also learned this is a pretty darn good game. Great job!

I survived the Cheeseman, but he didn’t survive me.

You know what, it’s polished, and full of the bugs you intended! Not much bad to say besides… EW!

Congrats! I officially need therapy!

Um… not entirely sure what to say on this one!

It has questionable gameplay, with extreme bugs that pretty much broke any playable aspect of the game. The aesthetics left something to be desired as well.

Really, this game should probably go back to the drawing board!

Flows nicely!

Overall not much bad to say, I was a little lost personally but I feel a bit more exploring would have yielded some better results. Everything seemed to blend well and the controls worked as they should!

Nice game!

Very interesting!

This was actually quite cool and even though it was mundane, it was enjoyable! Everything worked well and things were conveyed seamlessly!

Congrats, overall nothing bad to say! Good game!

Short but entertaining!

This was almost cute… almost! It had an interesting twist and pieced itself together near the end. It did not have anything horribly scary but it definitely keeps the player guessing.

Overall, not much bad to say! It is a solid and well polished game! Good job!

Not bad, but needs some work.

This isn’t bad at all, but it is a little confusing. Gameplay wise I had a hard time figuring out where I was supposed to go and why. As well, the controls are not displayed anywhere, so trying to learn that Backpack is “B” was a challenge.

However, the art seemed great and it was well polished beyond some minor visual errors.

Overall, decent title, but could use some more design on the user-friendly side!

I am sorry but anyone inside the industry would never even begin to take the idea of calling someone their Code or Art monkey as even remotely racist. It is rather immature of you to assume that it could even be such.

It’s not nothing, but it isn’t something either.

This really lacks much logic. The audio makes no sense, gameplay has no reason, and visuals could use some work. As well, a wall of text for the end showed not much confidence in releasing a project that you worked on.

I am not going to hammer in just how many problems there are with this as I am sure you already know them. This really needs to go back to the drawing board!

As well, consider having more confidence in yourself. Most people would rather see a bad game that the developer had confidence in, than to see a bad game where the developer knows it’s bad but releases it anyway.

Interesting little piece, but lacked much content.

This is definitely not bad. The graphics are amusing and the mechanics work smoothly. While I agree with Lamamour in calling the audio is a bit repetitive, it is overall not terrible.

However, this game lacks much actual content. It felt creepy, but proceeded to do nothing with that feeling. As well, the scenery around me did not speak much to tell me what is happening and why.

Overall, this is a decent little title, but definitely needs more polish in the horror department!

Decent, but far from perfect!

First off, the mouse input was extremely fast! This definitely needs to be toned down as using absolute value makes for a very finnicky experience. Furthermore, it was a little difficult at first to realize I am supposed to collect the numbers I see. On top of that, I was even more confused as the keypad made no noise, so I had no confirmation I did anything.

However, the gameplay itself wasn’t bad and the concept was enjoyable, even if slightly lacking.

Overall, this game needs quite a bit more polish, but isn’t a bad piece. Good job!


This is definitely one of the higher quality titles I have had the pleasure of rating. The style is one of my favorites and aesthetically it works well. While the levels can be kind of annoying to restart from the very beginning, this is indeed an extremely fun game!

Overall I have nothing much bad to say! As well, you have earned a 5/5 from me on Enjoyment! Congrats, keep up the good work!

I actually did complete this all the way through, and understood quickly what the captchas were intending after a couple of tries.

This being said, I don’t feel this game is really showing off what it intends to. This feels a little too basic, with extremely minimal gameplay and art that looks out of place. Not only that, but I can’t seem to understand what exactly happened and why.

Overall, I understand the concept you are going for, but poor execution!

We appreciate the feedback and glad to know the seat lost it’s use by the end!

(1 edit)

We are all developers and as such we should professionally deliver honest and accurate feedback so we can help each other improve in the future. This includes not only saying what went right, but also what went wrong.

We appreciate your feedback and glad to hear you enjoyed it!

As for the note, it was actually a typo that slipped by. It meant to hint that ESC does something and L-Shift does something, but instead it sounded like a hint to press both at the same time. We will avoid that mistake in the future!

Shoot, this is unacceptable! I’m going to give those mannequins a stern talking to.

Oddly interesting!

This game has a very unique art style and I feel it utilizes it well. As well, beyond it feeling repetitive at times, I actually did enjoy this title and found it to be unique for a platformer!

Not much else to say! Good job!


This seems like a rather basic genre of a flash game! While it isn’t exactly bad, it isn’t exactly good either. It lacks much more than an exceptionally simple game mechanic, not even including much in terms of audio. However, it is still somewhat fun for probably younger audiences.

Overall, not bad, but needs to go back to the drawing board!

This immediately, even from title, screamed kids game!

This is actually pretty well polished and while I may not be the intended audience, it is exceptionally cute! Really nothing bad to say, this seems like a good halloween-esk child friendly game! Great job!

This took me by surprise!

I actually was anticipating a quite scary game but I was shocked to see that wasn’t the case. In fact, I will admit I had a little difficulty trying to figure out in what direction the game was going.

This being said, mechanics wise it worked well and looked mostly good doing it! I enjoyed learning about the ship! However, I feel the enemies and shooting was almost an after-thought to just a puzzle game as it even used the default UE4 sounds and physics.

I feel this is a good title, but has a case of mistake identity! Overall though, good job!

We greatly appreciate the input and are happy to hear that our little friends made your trip worth while!

Interacting was definitely a unique challenge given this form of movement, and in trade some things were rather experimental. We will definitely note your suggestion if we approach this style again!

Oh don’t worry, the character is obviously an Olympic runner! Thank you so much for the feedback, we appreciate it!

This game is absolutely a rage game to me.

I am going to show great restraint by not taking out my frustrations of this game. This is actually a decent little game and feels like a typical flash game. It is fun! My only actual complaint is that the explosions do not actually kill the spiders if it only touches their legs, which lead to a lot of frustration.

As for my own sanity, holy god did I hate dealing with specifically the spiders. That bug I mentioned made me want to bang my head through my monitor out of frustration as the shot would go, explode, and hit their leg. Which in fairness to my insane rage I did complete all 13 levels!

Overall this is actually a decent little game, but it did make me wanna die just a tad bit. Congratz!

Shockingly fun!

I am definitely not the first to know that platformers almost predictably get bad reviews as they are the most overused genre available. However, I will admit this one actually managed to entertain me a bit!

I feel the saving grace is just how simple it is: Get to an exit! That being the only goal, it cut out the concept of prolonging my time just for the sake of points and let me focus on solely navigating the environment. However, with that being the basis of the gameplay, I really wish I could’ve seen better overall textures, but they aren’t exactly bad either.

You have achieved an example of less being more in this case! Congrats and solid game!

Simple and entertaining!

While I believe there could be more time spent on the graphics, the simple concept and gameplay did make for an enjoyable experience! It was not anything horrifying but still took a good twist of strategy and horror!

Not much to say bad about this title. Good job!

Resident Evil!

This immediately screams to me Resident Evil, primarily because of the camera angles! In general this is not a bad title, and in fact could be quite enjoyable to the right audience. My only major complaint is the design of the building looks like a bunch of shipping containers, which makes it hard to visually navigate without the map.

Overall, I have really nothing much else to say! Solid piece, good job!

Simple and cute, but lacking.

This is an almost too basic game. The soundtrack is cute and graphics are cute, even the objective screams child-friendly game. However, as a standalone title, it simply lacks much actual gameplay. This definitely feels like something I would see on a flash games site though.

Overall, if it was intended to be a child’s game, you hit the mark. If it wasn’t, this needs to go back to the drawing board!

Tiny piece, but a good one!

If this was turned into an entire story, it would be hard to stop playing. Realizing exactly what your doing is almost heartbreaking yet you can’t help but sympathize with the character. I feel this little game mostly shines in it’s story.

Outside of that, the horror aspect was extremely abrupt and out of place. In fact, I almost wished you wouldn’t have put in the ending we got at all. As well, there wasn’t really much in actual gameplay.

None the less, for a tiny game, this is far from bad! Good work, I actually enjoyed it a lot!

I agree with Chereb, this is exactly like an old school Creepypasta you would see on Reddit!

I will admit I was skeptical at first about this title, but overall seriously ended up enjoying it. Despite it being probably one of the most simple games I have seen so far, it uses that simplicity to trick the player into a false sense of security! Not only that, it does this exceptionally well!

My only complaint is indeed how short it is and the fact that it almost borders too simple.

Never the less, you have made an excellent example of how less can be more! Great job!

This was actually a neat concept!

I will admit I was thrown off at first as I expected my turn to end and the enemy’s turn to start, especially when I seen action points. However, I am not going to complain that it did not work that way as I actually ended up enjoying it more without that style.

This is a really interesting concept and executed rather well. I feel like it could use a slight more polish when it comes to user interface, but otherwise this is overall a pretty solid game!

Good job!

First game!

Since this is your very first game, I will applaud you for actually getting some sort of product up. That is the first major milestone.

I am going to spare you the long review and say I am sure it does not take an expert to tell you that this is hardly a game and is exceptionally bad. It needs major work.

Regardless, at least you got a product, that is more than what a lot of people can say!

We greatly appreciate the feedback! We are happy to hear that things stayed creepy while not relying on jump scares!

I have to say I am not entirely sure how I should go about discussing this game.

It obviously has horrible textures, amazingly bad sound design, and the most basic gameplay in human history. However, I can assume this is meant to be a masterpiece out of just being a silly submission, and it does that very well.

So uh… for the genre… good game? I think?