Tweet is good and the game looks great! You've ticked the boxes for suggested content and you've published a great game!
Tweet Suggestions:
-- Need a Call to Action with Steam page link (your primary focus).
-- You can embed the link to your Steam page in your Trailer using Twitter Ad Cards. Jump on our Discord to find out how.
Press Kit:
-- Great start. Flesh out some details and will be even better.
-- Recent grads can add in things like your game dev degree, university, big companies you may have worked on games for, even as a student
-- Redesign the front pages to match your own look and feel in the back. (The plain template is just for ease of sharing.)
-- Price: Commas are European punctuation not English.. It's 10.99 not 10,99
-- Status: Early Access (Remove "In Development" as that implies it's not released)