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Hi again Max, I have seen a lot of stuff added since last time, really a good game you are having there! I am sure you are looking for more ideas to add or bugs to fix, so I will focus on that and here is a small video shows what you added!

I want to say that I have been playing this off screen for a very long time! What I noticed is that you can actually block the incoming waves from attacking and waiting outside in the dark, I managed to block them using Dart Traps side by side to block the entrance! And since there was no structure or unites to attack, they didn't detect I have a base behind the Dart Traps (I guess) but I could triger them to attack me by mining a path. However, and this is important: Waves kept coming and I "lived happily behind the block" until they reached 99 Orcs which did not increase above that despite the incoming waves, the problem here is that the game could not render that many numbers, which made the game lag a lot to the point you can not play it (It might be my PC config, so you might wanna test that yourself). I really thought I found a hack to the game XD

Another thing I wish I can see it in the game: When one of your unites of buildings are being attacked and you are busy mining or building in another place far away, you really can not tell if you are being attacked... whihc in one of the plays I lost half of the camp before I noticed that I am being attacked by spiders, I wish if there is an alert system to let you know you are being attacked and maybe shows the place as well. (Just an idea)

I really love your game and wish it get more popular!


Hey Zak! I'm so glad to hear from you again!

I knew someone would find the trap exploit soon enough :P I have a solution though! The spear trap, dragon fire trap, and lightning trap are going to be changed such that they are all "wall" traps and you'll have to place them on a position where a rock cube already is. So the rock cube will get replaced by the trap. This should help solve that exploit. 

In regards to the alert system, I know what you mean! I have a notification system (the stuff that pops up in the top left), but it needs sounds and special effects to really alert the player (I've been looking but haven't found the sounds im looking for). Once this is properly implemented, you'll be able to click on the alert to jump to that point. I may even add an option to auto-pause the game when something like this happens.

Again, thank you so much for playing the game. You were one of the first people to play it, so you can see how its changing. I can't wait for you to see the final product :)

Let me know if there's anything I can do for you!

That exploit of the traps was great while it lasted lol! I am happy to see devs putting such efforts in thier games! I would love to see what you would add more in the game next time I try it.

I do find your support on my YouTube channel more than I would ever ask from you Max! And same here! If you need anything, I will be around sir!