I'm honored for the Diablo 3 comparison, I feel like it looks more like Diablo 1 lol. Thank you! <3
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Hey, thanks for the comment! I'm glad you're enjoying the game.
1. Exit to main menu confirmation button is coming (sorry, always busy)
2. I had to change the way wall traps worked because of exploits. I'll be making it possible to replace wall traps in the near future (I'm aware of this issue).
I hope that answers your questions :)
Hey Sovren, thanks for the comment! I do plan to add building construction cost refunds in the next few months. It'll be an option in the talent tree if you go down the engineering path. This will also make it possible to relocate your main base after descending to the lower floors!
Glad you're loving the game!
Hey, thanks for playing the game! If the dev console popped up because of an error, there should be a close button for it. If thats not what you mean, then, I believe Ctrl+Shift+C is the keybind for the console (I had to look it up). I hope that helps!
Also, you CAN tell your dwarfs which units to attack! There's just no indicator to show you that its working lol. I'm adding an outline flash to this soon, so you'll know that you selected the correct target.
Lastly, the suggestion about building rails near enemies is a good one. Enemies can't attack rail anyway, so I might just add this feature :)
Again, thank you for trying the game :)
Hey Zak! I'm so glad to hear from you again!
I knew someone would find the trap exploit soon enough :P I have a solution though! The spear trap, dragon fire trap, and lightning trap are going to be changed such that they are all "wall" traps and you'll have to place them on a position where a rock cube already is. So the rock cube will get replaced by the trap. This should help solve that exploit.
In regards to the alert system, I know what you mean! I have a notification system (the stuff that pops up in the top left), but it needs sounds and special effects to really alert the player (I've been looking but haven't found the sounds im looking for). Once this is properly implemented, you'll be able to click on the alert to jump to that point. I may even add an option to auto-pause the game when something like this happens.
Again, thank you so much for playing the game. You were one of the first people to play it, so you can see how its changing. I can't wait for you to see the final product :)
Let me know if there's anything I can do for you!
Hey Max,
I'm sorry you weren't able to run the game on your machine. The game has some basic graphic options that you can adjust, but I haven't had the time yet to add more options to the interface. Also, the game is still in development, and I haven't optimized the performance yet.
I will do my best to add some more low-graphics options soon. Regardless, thank you for checking out my game :)
Hey Tosek!
First, thanks for playing the game! Second, I know its hard lol. I want to keep the game hard (for now), to challenge players, so that they try new things! However, I am adding new features every week, and as the player gets stronger, the game gets easier.
I've spent a lot of time the last few weeks working on unit response, and it should be much better next patch!
Some advice for beating the game: try to get a barracks early, followed by a workshop. That way you can get soldiers, and tunnel scouts out fast, and get a few traps up before the first invasion. A few good traps will cut down the orcs by 50% each wave, then your warriors and tunnel scouts can finish them off.
Again, thank you so much for trying out the game. I would love to hear more feedback on the next patch (coming soon)!
Hey Zak!
Thank you SO MUCH for the review! Its the first time I've been able to watch someone play my game, and it was eye-opening. I've made several notes about things you mentioned, and things you tried, and will be adding improvements to the game.
By the way, the engineer's put up walls on the rock cubes, but that doesn't prevent the cube from being mined. Walls and floor tiles are just for decoration, just to make it look nicer.
Thanks again! I may ask you for help again in a few months :)
Hey Noa_Noa!
Really appreciate the feedback! So, the fill block was kind of an idea (a way of putting rock back after you removed it), but its technically a building, so you have to delete it, and can't mine it.... Its half one thing, half another, and I think I'll probably remove it at some point.
And yes, you can use buildings to block off enemies (currently). Buildings will be attackable very soon, so that strategy won't work at that point.
Again, thanks for following the project! I'll be updating it soon!
Beneath the Mountain:
You play as the king of a new clan of dwarfs, looking to build their kingdom under the mountain. You dig your way through the mountain, expanding as you go. Sometimes you'll break into caves and have to fight evil creatures. In addition, every once in a while, orc armies will try to invade your kingdom and kill your king.
Hey! I've been working on Beneath the Mountain for the last 7 months, and I'm at the point where I could really use some feedback on how it plays and feels. I don't know if its your kind of game, but if it is, I'd appreciate your feedback! Let me give you the short pitch:
You play as the king of a new clan of dwarfs, looking to build their kingdom under the mountain. You dig your way through the mountain, expanding as you go. Sometimes you'll break into caves and have to fight evil creatures. In addition, every once in a while, orc armies will try to invade your kingdom and kill your king.
Thanks (and I've followed you on twitter btw!)

After 7 months of hard work on this project, Beneath the Mountain is its "alpha" stage and ready to be played! If you like isometric angles, and strategy games like Dungeon Keeper, Age of Empires, Caesar 3, or Starcraft, then you'll probably enjoy my game as well. Here's the short version:
You play as the king of a new clan of dwarfs, looking to build their kingdom under the mountain. You dig your way through the mountain, expanding as you go. Sometimes you'll break into caves and have to fight evil creatures. In addition, every once in a while, orc armies will try to invade your kingdom and kill your king.
Try to survive the first wave and let me know what you think! Thank you so much for trying my game, I look forward to your feedback!

Hey Zak, I hope I find you well. I've been working on Beneath the Mountain for 7 months now and would love to get some feedback. A review of the game with your thoughts would be awesome! Let me give you the short version:
You play as the king of dwarves, building a new kingdom under the mountain. It plays like an RTS game where you mine through the mountain, breaking into caves, defeating enemies, and defending against orc invasions.
I hope its your kind of game, and that you enjoy it, but I treasure your true feedback (don't be gentle!). Thank you!