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Deleted 2 years ago

ok look U hate furries fair but coming into a VN which is about furries is not cool, it's quite literally as if you're just bored and decided to shit stir, keep it out of here if you don't like it don't go a place about it simple as that.


O wow just cause I didn't like a story and gave my opinion means I just spent 3 hours reading it just to Hate on it see.I don't care if you read this shit a bunch of times you have ur opinion is anybody hating on ur opinion no so let me have my opinion without someone telling me o you hating on cause its a furry vn that's not even the thing the shits generally ass 


Did someone say ass~? I must concur!

(1 edit) (+3)

You're not giving an opinion, you're just a bored kid looking for some attention. Seeking for a fight must let you feel important and considerate, but you didnt considerate that here you are alone against an entire loyal fandom. Haters are just stupid as the tought that offending something gives you the right to call it opinion even if it is not. So little baby 🤏

Deleted 2 years ago
(6 edits) (+3)

Nah, nah! Man up, boy! You don't get to piss and shit on people and run away without consequence. Leave your tainted mark here for everyone to smell, so we can learn on what not to be - an inconsiderate little but loud attention-whoring receptacle of antifurryturd. Also, you're still here despite telling us "I'm done with y'all dumb fucks see ya" just three days ago! 😆 


Nah im deleting it cause people like you say i want attention but here you are giving me I'm not no pussy I can sit here and go back and forth with you but I'm not I got better shit in life to do then hear that i'm A menace cause someone didn't like my comments its fucking life get over it you're gonna hear and see shit u don't like and sadly these are one of things I really don't care what y'all have to think of me cause at the end of the day as long it doesn't get to me I don't care y'all don't need to see what I say as a opinion but the fact that you're up in here writing paragraphs of shit and you're getting mad at the few words I said I'm basically fucking with you without even trying n means something just take a second and think about


By all means, be a hyprocrite. Keep coming back for moar even when you said you'll leave 😆 You say you don't care what we think of you, yet you constantly respond to our comments and criticism 😆 You are an entertaining contradiction, my boy. No one called you a pussy, no one called you a menace, and no one really hates you. Your "opinion" on the game is worth civil discussion; however, once you choose to take your anger out on people, then you have crossed the line. Take a second and think about where all your aggression truly comes from? Kudos for attempting to presume how I feel, but you're not even remotely close. I ain't mad. If anything, shitsacks like you help me challenge and improve my morals, values, and intelligence. You are the Joker (literally!) to my Batman.


O i see so im a hyprocrite for keeping it up but I'm a chicken if I delete the post ok ok i get it ur a echo project simp that doesn't think that people can speak negative about it that's fine I respect it everyone should be allowed to have a opinion whether people like it or not at the end of the day you wasn't even apart or the argument to begin with you put urself in this situation just like how I did u keep accusing me ok taking my anger out on this post never at one point I was mad when making the first post I was never mad when I made any of the comments again all I ask is don't harass me until you get my attention that's what gets me mad so that's said I'm gonna keep it up fuck what anyone says you have with it damn that's tiff deal with it

(4 edits) (+3)

Ah, now yous playing the victim, typical behavior. The aim is to just leave your nasty comments and refrain from posting anything new, but you trapped yourself inside a paradox whenever you get your own damn self triggered and tempted to talk smack 😆 You say "everyone should be allowed to have a[n] opinion," so allow the community the same level of respect when you get disliked - after all, downvotes are also opinions. You also say "I hate furries I simply show [my friend] the die hard fans of this vn and fbtw and how brain dead they're fucking brain dead[.]" 1.) I am a furry, 2.) I support Adastra (less support for FBtW, however), 3.) you call the community brain dead not once but twice, and 4.) you project your toxic insecurities onto ALL of us (as if proclaiming "hate" or "fucking" aren't any indication of your emotional expression). EVERYONE is part of the argument because YOU made it ought to be. Take accountability for your own problems. Clean up your own mess, we're not doing it for you, boy.


so youre 15 right lmao




Lol try again I'm done with y'all dumb fucks see ya

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Least they're getting it WET with their bad publicity stunt.


Wait, you are telling your friends about Adastra? Thanks for the diffusion!! :D


Imma end it here cuz I'm now generally confused


Let me shoot some diffusion to your confusion~

You say you hate furries, and want all that ass buried~

You think you've folded, but your friends've found gold~

No matter whatever you try to say~

Adastra will always be here, ése~

So sit alone in a corner and cry boohoo~ 

Or join us, travel to our worlds, and roar woohoo~

Well I do agree that there were points where the story felt like it was dragging on and can understand not liking furries, but as an overall story it was actually quite nice. I started out with "coming out on top" and tried to find more visual novels of that aspect but the majority of visual novels that you find have some furry element. At that point, I just grew use to seeing furry related content even though I'm never really trying to look for it. Just trying to find some good story telling and I think this visual novel did quite alright. As for the age thing... uh I would think this a bit of an exaggeration, while I don't doubt there are members of that age, I wouldn't say half of the community is of that age. At the end of the day this is a piece of writing and everything we have stated in regards to the writing is opinionated. And yes I am aware you stated you didn't enjoy this visual novel for it's writing and not cause of the furry aspect of it all. It just hypocritical to say it's your opinion that the vn is shit and then say how can anyone find this good... just like your statement it's an opinion.

(2 edits) (+2)

What did the community ever personally do to you to deserve such viscuous hate oozing from the remnant that is your soul?

Did your parents walk in on you while you gawked at Lola Bunny in Space Jam, and then they reprimanded you your entire life?

If your friend was a furry, would you treat them the same as you treat the fandom? The problem may not be coming from outside but from within. You say you hate furries, but ultimately you hate your self since you feel the hate yourself.

You do realize ratings are mere guidelines and not enforceable mandates, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have been able to play cult classics in grade school. Thank your parents for that at least.

Also, I don't simp for human MC. I simp for Amicus and Neferu.


Cool wow u feed into the attention the apparently I wanted second I always didn't like the fandom even when I was in it

(1 edit)

Nani? Engrish muc?