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(1 edit)

Oh my! It turns out I actually liked posts in that topic. So it probably already helped me a lot. I think it does a great job of covering the big points. From what I recall, it made sense then, and it makes even more sense now.

I may wind up just adding screenshots of what exactly to click and what to delete, because--well, I might forget a detail or two for my next project, and having a reference would be nice.

And even for those of us that have published an HTMLized Inform project to, there's that stray stuff that'll slip through.

You have my permission to take the text, remix it and add pictures. That would be a nice addition, so we can sign the guide together.

or, if you think my post at intfiction is really fine, we can fine tune it there. You can send me pictures by email, and a proposal of remix of the text, and I will update it.