Stop right there criminal scum! You can't make beautiful 3D games with Godot, that's scientifically proven to be a fact! Jokes aside, I really like the aesthetic there. I myself have experimented a lot with those outline shaders but you did a little bit more than just outlines with the post processing. That's some nice effort into creating atmosphere and style, that's great art direction there!
Gameplaywise, I feel like you got a thing going with the mechanics there but the game ended before you could fully explore them. I also felt like the moving directions were a bit weird because our keyboard is up, down, left, right but the character only moves in the diagonals, like, each time I tried to move I would press a button first as guess to then move in the direction I actually wanted, but that's not a big deal since the game doesn't require reflexes and precise movement. Perhaps if it was longer I could get used to it.
But yeah, that's a really cool game you got there, good job!