he had tears in his eyes, he screamed for fox, while squeezing the booba, he thought that might work
...And work it did...in almost a instant the thing retracted...and went away...leaving quite a lovely puddle of its cum...~
“g guhh~…”
“W W W W well…I I I it w was k kinda n n n n nice…t thanks bud…”
He coughed
The shrubs ruffled and he closed his eyes, he felt too weak to fend anything off
Andddd out came Fox!
"Well it was nice seeing you bud, see you sometime later!"
The thing on his back got off, wagged it's bod around...anddd ran off-, fox then turned around, looked at Ali
"...Erm, whaaaat the hell happened here-?"
“t t that t tongue t t thing c c came back…”
"Oh!...Wait, then what's with the erm...puddle-?"
“I it wasn’t t that f f friendly….”
"...Oh...Did...Did it do something to you while I was away-?"
He sat down next to him, gently stroking his chest-
“d damn near f f fucked me to death…”
"...Tch, great...I'm leaving you with my blaster from now on then."