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This was such a awesome entry! so far the best use of the Limit and Theme in tandem. The movement controller was quite good, the art was cute and clear, the game made me feel smart at times. Just super awesome all around.

However a few nitpicks.
I would love to see coyote time, when you fall off a platform have a few frames where the player can still input a jump. Its just a huge boost to feel. (If you already have it might be worth increasing the window, the one mountain to the left was sometimes chunky to climb over since I had to climb it like 10 plus times hehe

The second and only other thing is I discovered a soft lock and required a reset

Couldn't find a way to get the power stone when I accidentally dropped it. Had to restart, tbh wasnt a huge deal, the game is short once you know what to do (which is a really good trait)

Other than those two very minor things. My enjoyment was competely unhampered and I enjoyed such a unique take! Amazing work


Hey Thanks for the feedback!

about the coyote time you are right with the game not having it, but since you mention it now, i will add it to the to do list :)

i never noticed this softlock, thanks for that, i will fix it :D